Tucker Adoption Journey Weblog

Our Colombian Adoption Journey

Bonding in process and Alyssa Updates February 12, 2010

Filed under: Adoption Process — tuckeradoptionjourney @ 8:50 pm

I’m sorry I haven’t been able to post until now.  Our daughter, Alyssa is doing VERY well.  Since about 3-5 hours after we met her she wouldn’t allow me to do anything, and I mean ANYTHING unless I was holding her. So, trying to type an email or update the blog has been an impossible feat with an 11 month old on your lap slapping the keyboard.

***Currently, Alyssa and Papa are snuggling and taking a nap***

Yesterday we saw a huge difference in her bonding with Jason. She laughs and giggles while he makes funny faces at her, or spins this blow-up beachball on his finger while he whistles the globetrotter theme song (which she tries to mimic). She has definitely found her Papa to be a great playmate, and finally she is starting to look to him to hold and snuggle her too, which she wouldn’t allow before.  I say “finally” but it has only been 4 days, so in the realm of bonding I still think that she is bonding very quickly.  Although I really think Jason felt left out until yesterday as she would SCREAM like someone had removed a limb when I was 5 feet away from her and he was holding her.

She is almost walking now.  Actually she can walk if you hold her hands.  It’s all she wants to do (that, and stand up and fall back on her bum on the bed and giggle).  I would be surprised if she didn’t take her first steps in the next few weeks.  She is still wobbly, but very determined and her legs are definitely strong enough to support her.  She is working on learning how to balance now.


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